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Merger & Acquisition and Transaction Services

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Merger & Acquisition

It is well known that people issues are a critical success factor for M&A. ChangeWork HR provide practical support pre-deal/ post-deal on buy side and sell-side to maximise value:






You want to get your ducks reliably in a row so as to maximise enterprise value while minimising rumour and impact on the retained organisation. You need to a small, tight team you can trust...

ChangeWork HR can bring project focus discreetly to support the important deal preparation work in a way which minimises "value chipping". We will bring our experience to carve-out organisation design, transitional services and planning for the inevitable issues raised regarding the functioning of shared services  and the security of the retained organisation.

Works Councils & Consultation

Employee consultation legislation can appear to get in the way of transactions, but it needs to be catered for in deal documents and timelines. Consultation obligations can be more than just a completion hurdle,  and errors at this stage can hold up integration or chip away at value. Requirements are  highly context sensitive and  what is right for one country may land you in trouble elsewhere

ChangeWork HR can guide and support you, providing the focus needed to land this critical activity well.


Following the deal, the pressure to achieve the "new normal" is intense, the list of integration tasks long, and political sensitivities are high. 


We can bring experience and objectivity to support your integration programme,  freeing you to focus your energy where it counts.We deliver at pace.

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